**Create the life you
know is MEANT for you**


You feel like you've tried it ALL...

  • New workout programs (Peloton, Orange Theory, at home workouts)

  • Changing careers, going back to school, going to yoga teacher training, etc.

  • You’ve dabbled in network marketing (or thought about it)

  • You’ve tried keto, and low carbs, and counting calories and macros

  • You’ve tried ending relationships, dating, having important “chats” with your partner to make things better

  • Making more money, saving more money, starting a side hustle still feeling like there is never enough..

And yet you're still HERE...

KNOWING there is so much MORE for you in EVERY aspect of your life, but feeling like it’s groundhog day:

Same shit, different week, month and year.

I know because this was me 8 years ago...


For 8 years...I wanted a different life. I knew in my BONES I was meant for something BIGGER...

I told myself I should be happy with what I had.

I would convince myself this is how life was supposed to be and I should stop daydreaming.

I would spin my wheels wondering HOW to actually create the life I wanted

You feel like you've tried it ALL...

  • New workout programs (Peloton, Orange Theory, at home workouts)

  • Changing careers, going back to school, going to yoga teacher training, etc.

  • You’ve dabbled in network marketing (or thought about it)

  • You’ve tried keto, and low carbs, and counting calories and macros

  • You’ve tried ending relationships, dating, having important “chats” with your partner to make things better

  • Making more money, saving more money, starting a side hustle still feeling like there is never enough..

And yet you're still HERE...

KNOWING there is so much MORE for you in EVERY aspect of your life, but feeling like it’s groundhog day:

Same shit, different week, month and year.

I know because this was me 8 years ago...


For 8 years...I wanted a different life. I knew in my BONES I was meant for something BIGGER...

I told myself I should be happy with what I had.

I would convince myself this is how life was supposed to be and I should stop daydreaming.

I would spin my wheels wondering HOW to actually create the life I wanted

Then I would get the courage to try something new.

I changed jobs 8 different times… thinking this is finally IT only to find 6 months in it wasn’t.

I started a network marketing business twice… but something felt a little off.

I would start my meal plan and workout routine over on Monday thinking THIS TIME it would work … only to find myself I was starting over again...

I would date people I felt like only gave me 50%... Hoping they would change but they wouldn't.

I was TRYING... but still had NOTHING to show for it… 


I started to doubt if the life I imagined was actually possible for me... 

Until I had an epiphany... 

I had tried to change everything in my life..… 



And it hit me... If I was the one common denominator to everything in my life... THEN IF I CHANGED, everything would change.

So I hired a Life Coach...

and rather than just changing everything around me- I started changing WHO I WAS BEING.

My life took a DRASTIC turn… in the best way possible.

Everything I always wanted started unfolding right before my eyes.

 I felt like I found the KEY to the LIFE.  

  •  I found my purpose, launched a business, & replaced my corporate salary in 6 months
  •  I found my soulmate, we got engaged a year later in Paris. 
  •  I was making more money in one month than I used to make in a year
  •  Weight melted off me.
  •  I had the freedom I always craved... and spent my days in Miami, Paris, Asheville, California, etc.

    All because I understood this Universal Law:



And your life will change. 

This is what you've been missing... And this is what we do in the Anything but Average Life Membership



WHO YOU ARE is made up of...

  • The way you think and the beliefs you have 
    like: you have to work hard to get what you want (is that working?)

  • WHY you make the decisions I make  
    like: are you choosing jobs based on your degree or your desires?
  • How you show up 
    like: are you open to possibilities or going through the motions?
  • How you feel in your day to day life 
    like: are you going through the motions?
  • How you take actions
    like: are you rushing to lose weight in an unsustainable way?

The actions you take
like: are you actually doing things that scare you?

This membership is going to walk you through step by step how to change WHO YOU ARE and how to apply it to:

  • Your health
  • Your romantic life
  • Your purpose
  • Money
  • And every aspect of your life. 

    BECAUSE let's be honest- You want it ALL. 
    And you are NOT here to settle.
Join Us!


WHO YOU ARE is made up of...

  • The way you think and the beliefs you have 
    like: you have to work hard to get what you want (is that working?)

  • WHY you make the decisions I make  
    like: are you choosing jobs based on your degree or your desires?
  • How you show up 
    like: are you open to possibilities or going through the motions?
  • How you feel in your day to day life 
    like: are you going through the motions?
  • How you take actions
    like: are you rushing to lose weight in an unsustainable way?

The actions you take
like: are you actually doing things that scare you?

This membership is going to walk you through step by step how to change WHO YOU ARE and how to apply it to:

  • Your health
  • Your romantic life
  • Your purpose
  • Money
  • And every aspect of your life. 

    BECAUSE let's be honest- You want it ALL. 
    And you are NOT here to settle.
Join Us!



✓ Immediate access to the Anything But Average Life Video Modules 55+ videos breaking down the EXACT steps to make fast, lasting changes across the board in your life ($2,500 Value)
✓ Immediate access to the Anything But Average Life worksheets. This is where you will APPLY the work to your life to make REAL lasting change ($997 value)


✓Meditations/Visualizations. These do the work for you. Pop your headphones in, go for a walk, and you will start to change ($300 Value)
✓ Live group coaching calls! 2x/month you can join us for coaching where you can ask your individual questions as you apply this work.  Replays posted immediately after. ($1,997 value)

Access to the Anything But Average Life Community - like many of my students you may not have people in your life who GET IT- this community gives you the support and environment you need to grow  ($300 Value)

Personalized Life Coaching  get coaching in REAL TIME in the community- ask your individual questions as you implement the work.   ($500 value)


✓3 new journal prompts each week - dig deeper to figure out what's blocking you and how to get around it ($250 Value) 

A $6,844 VALUE


Join today for just one payment of $997 or $197/month.




“I am doing a happy dance here because we’re barely halfway into the month, and we have already passed our savings goal for October AND we have been traveling and doing all the things I love to do, while still saving for my dream pool! I am just soaking in how much this is the life I DREAMED of living just a few months ago!"



“I was in a loveless marriage, felt totally lost, and was stuck in a job I didn’t love, But now, after joining the ABA life membership, I have a job that fulfills me, started a business doing what I love and I am in a loving and healthy relationship with the best man I could ever ask for!"



“One thing I LOVE about this membership, is that it shows me that everything can be solvable/improved/feel fucking great In my life - that there is NOTHING that I need to settle on. Like at all. Doing this work, I am SEEING my dream life come TRUE a little more everyday. From how my business is shaping. To my relationship with my husband. My friendships. And even the house that we live in! This work has been invaluable!"



Anything but Average Monthly Membership

$197 Monthly Subscription

(cancel membership at anytime)

What's Included:

  • Immediate Access to the Anything but Average Life Membership Portal
  • Access to the ABA Life Community
  • Access to 2 LIVE Coaching Calls a month
  • Journal Prompts: 3+ drop every week into the portal
  • On demand access for as long as you are subscribed
I'm In!

VIP Yearly Membership

Yearly Payment of $997

Savings of $1,367

What's Included:

This is about deciding ahead of time, no matter what happens this year, what failures, road blocks, challenges you come up against, you are committed to waking up one year from today with a life that blows your mind.  This is for the woman who is ready to make 2023 the year of HER. 

This is for the woman who is ready to play big. 


  • The New Black EDITION- VIP Gift Box with the custom black ABA Journal, signature candle and bath salts.
  • Monthly 60 minute Intimate Business group Coaching via Zoom 
  • Monthly Mocktail/Cocktail Hour Zoom coaching
  • Access to the VIP portal with the Business Coaching Replays and Mocktail/Cocktail Replays
  • Access to ALL challenges for the entire YEAR

    PLUS everything in the monthly membership:
  • First dibs on exclusive events
  • Immediate Access to the Anything but Average Life Membership Portal
  • Access to the ABA Life Community
  • Access to 2 LIVE Coaching Calls a month
  • Journal Prompts: 3+ drop every week into the portal
  • On demand access for as long as you are subscribed
I'm In!


“After working through years of subconscious fears, I completely transformed my self-concept. I began seeing my worth, talent, and the incredible potential for my life with or without the program. This work helped me start living again. AND after setting this goal just a few weeks ago, I just signed my first paying client in my coaching business! I can’t believe this is my real life!”



“My life looks completely different than it did 6 months ago! Not only do I live in my dream city in my dream apartment, but I am expecting a baby–something I never dreamed I could do! Oh, and I just hit my first 6-figure year in a business that I freaking love. I am so grateful for Lindsey and the tools I learned in ABA! It turns out you can have it all!"



“Before the start of my journey with Lindsey, I was stuck in a job and life that I hated. I was constantly feeling stuck and overwhelmed and it was making my relationship difficult. After 3 years of trying to get my dream business off the ground, within 6 months of joining ABA I replaced my corporate income, left my job and started traveling around the country, and now I create 10-12k months. I have the relationship of my dreams, feel free, happier, and more in my joy than ever before.  It took me three years to say YES to myself and my results waited too. The minute I invested was the minute my life changed."


Your life changes, when YOU change.

You change the minute you put yourself in this room.


My Guarantee: 


Your life is too short and too important to not have every single thing that you want. And I am so confident that this program will blow your mind you can literally cancel at ANYTIME if you are unhappy. No questions asked.


Join Us