Anything but Average
Start your coaching business, sign clients, and create the life you really want.
You know you are meant for more.
More impact, more freedom, more fulfillment, more money, more joy, more travel, more time experiencing life with the people you love most, and more of the life you deeply WANT.
Starting your coaching business is the vehicle that will take you there.
Anything but Average will teach you how to become a great coach, launch your coaching business, and sign clients so you can live out your purpose while creating the anything but average life you crave.

Hi, I’m Lindsey Mango
And after years of trying job after job, network marketing businesses, and hushing the quiet voice inside of me that kept saying I was meant for so much MORE, I finally started to listen.
I always knew I had so much more potential than the 9-5 job, 3 weeks of PTO days, and going through the motions of life everyday, but I didn’t know how to close the gap.
That’s when I met my Life Coach.
And she quickly showed me the power of changing my mindset which in turn changed my entire life. After seeing the impact coaching made in my life, it hit me:
Coaching is what I had been searching for.
So I started my coaching business.
Within 6 months I replaced my corporate salary, retired from my job, all while doing work I loved and being able to design my life the way I really wanted.
Within a year I made six figures and found myself waking up everyday to the life I once daydreamed about.
What once took me years of trying and failing, I accomplished in ONE year after changing my life and starting my coaching business..
Today I have built over a 1.5 million dollar coaching company helping people start their coaching businesses so they can create the life they deeply want.
When I look back over my journey, my fast success and fulfilling life happened because of a few things:
1- I believed WHOLEHEARTEDLY in coaching, and what it could do for others because of one thing: Coaching had changed my life and you couldn’t shut me up about it because of that. I was deeply passionate about coaching because I saw first hand what it had done in my life.
2- I finally found the business I was meant to start, I stopped starting the businesses and jobs that felt safe and started the business I actually WANTED to start
3- I had the coaching and support I needed to get out of my own way.
This is why I built Anything but Average - so you could start your coaching business doing what you LOVE with the support and process you need to do it.
What is Anything but Average?
Anything but Average is a program that teaches you how to start a coaching business by starting with YOUR transformation, so you can lead your clients and your business by example.
Then we get clear on all the business basics like who you help, how you help them, what type of coach you are, and what you will offer.
Then we jump into the logistics and mindset to confidently launch your business into the world. And finish off with how to sign clients simply so you can change people’s lives and actually make money doing what you love.
The Assets:
Receive immediate access to 35+ video modules, breaking down the step by step process to start your coaching business and sign clients. Binge watch the whole course or take it one step at a time-it's up to you. See below for the breakdown of the modules.
LIFETIME ACCESS To weekly LIVE coaching. Get your individual questions answered by Lindsey and Lindsey's Team of Coaches during weekly LIVE coaching sessions as you implement the process.
LIFETIME ACCESS to the Facebook community to get support from other coaches on the same journey, ask for coaching from Lindsey and her team of coaches 24/7 and celebrate your success as you see transformation, start your business, and sign clients.
Anything but Average is a one time fee. Once you enroll you have access for life. You can continue using the coaching, support and process as you continue to grow. New bonus modules and content is always being added to the program so it evolves as you do.
The Portal:
When you experience the impact coaching makes on your life, you will both understand the value of what your coaching will do for others AND master the ability to use these tools to coach your clients. This module is all about leading your clients through example, and getting a PHD in understanding how to walk yourself or ANYONE through any drama, doubt, fear, or limiting beliefs that holds them back so you/they can ANY result.
Get clarity around who you will help, how you will help them and what type of coach you will be. This module will walk you through decision making and how to clear up ANY confusion you have so you can launch your business with a solid foundation and confidence.
This module prepares you to actually put your coaching business out in the world. Get clear on your offer, pricing and structure, as well as your ideal client and build the confidence you need to ACTUALLY put your business out in the world so people know you are open for business and taking on clients.
Learn everything you need to start signing clients and making money doing what you love like marketing and branding,how to make offers, how to run consultation calls with clients, how to coach on objections, how to evaluate any failure along the way so you get better and better.
This module is jam packed with 26+ resources from bonuses we given out along the way, like a 3 hour marketing that signs clients workshop and workbook, how to set up payments, a fill in the blank contract, and so much more to make sure you EVERYTHING you need to start your coaching business and sign clients.
Anything but Average is for ANYONE who wants to start a coaching business and sign clients as the vehicle to create the life they really want.
Whether you are a personal growth junky or have never experienced coaching in your life, you will learn and utilize foundation tools to change your own life and master coaching skills, launch your business and sign paying clients who want to participate in that same life changing transformation.
✓ This is for anyone who wants to learn how to get out of their own way in the process of starting a coaching business and signing clients and wants support the entire way.
✓ Anyone who knows they are meant for more and wants to start a business to inspire and help others through coaching.
✓ Anyone who wants to be coached at the highest level and be surrounded by other like minded coaches.
✓ Anyone who wants to feel supported throughout the entire journey of getting started as a coach to signing their first clients.
✓ Anyone who wants to lead their coaching business with their own example, so people come to them, instead of you going out and chasing people.
✓ Anyone who wants to make money, changing people’s lives with the art of coaching.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is there a payment plan?
Do I need to have a certification or any specific coach training to join or to start a coaching business?
What If I am a brand new coach or I have already started my coaching business is this for me?
What if I have a full time job that I can’t quit, can I build a coaching business?
When are the LIVE coaching calls? What If I can’t make them?
What kind of access to coaching do I get?

Summer Reyes
"Before Anything but Average I was in a constant cycle of buying new programs to help me launch my health coaching business. Anything but Average felt so different from the other programs I had invested in. I realized I had everything I needed, but I lacked belief in myself that I could actually do this.. After 3 YEARS of buying program after program and waiting to feel ready, I launched my health coaching business just 3 months after joining ABA. The program brought me so much awareness of why I was stuck where I was.
Lindsey helped me shift my thinking and gave me a different perspective that helped me launch even though I didn’t feel 100% ready. And not only did I launch my business, but I have helped over 6 clients with improving their health and I have lost over 20 pounds as I applied the tools to change my own life.
My favorite part of the programs is having live coaching every week and being able to ask for support anytime in the community. Looking back I can’t believe how far I have come in the last year. My life looks so different and I know that this is just the beginning!”

Nadia Munro
"Before joining ABA I felt like I was settling for a life I didn’t want. I wanted to start a coaching business in part because I wanted to use it as a way of escaping my current situation. One of the biggest gifts ABA and Lindsey gave me was making me slow down enough to change MY life first. Doing that is what taught me how to be a great coach for other women from a truly authentic place: By mastering the tools using them myself.
Since joining the program I have completely transformed my personal life. I launched my coaching business and signed my first 2 clients which means I have more than doubled my original investment and I know this is only just the beginning.
My favorite part about the program is the weekly live coaching sessions. I show up every week to get coaching from Lindsey. Knowing I have access to coaching from Lindsey every week is so reassuring and the fact that I have lifetime access to this is unbelievable.
I have invested in my fair share of programs but none of them have even come close to the value of ABA. It literally has everything you need to change your own life, learn how to coach, start your own coaching business and sign clients.”

Melissa Lopez
"I’ve known I wanted to help people since I was a teenager. I thought about becoming a therapist but it didn't feel like the right fit and I was already good at helping people. It occurred to me in November of 2020 that I could be a coach, but had so many fears holding me back.
I was afraid people would think this was just another “thing” I tried and abandoned because I started businesses before and realized they weren’t my calling. I was worried people wouldn’t take me seriously.
I joined ABA on my birthday- January 24th 2021. Followed the process and launched my business on February 13th. Today (April) I have 5, 1:1 clients, 15 people in my group coaching program and have already made $17,284 in my business.
ABA helped me get past all the drama I had about getting started and finally put it out in the world. I am in awe of what I have created so far.”

Anna Brinkworth
"Joining ABA has changed my life and has helped me become who I always wanted to be (but didn't realize I could be). Before joining ABA I had this deep passion and zest for life, but I never dreamed I could do anything with it. I just believed what society told me: I should stay at my secure job as a Physical Therapist and leave it at that. But I wanted something more out of life. I wanted deep happiness, less stress, and to impact the world & help others in a bigger way than I could at my job.
So I joined ABA to start my coaching business.
ABA is SO much more than just coaching to start your business! For the first time in a LONG time, I feel FREE, BOLD and UNSTOPPABLE. I created Anna Brinkworth Coaching because I wanted EVERYONE to know that their potential is limitless. Lindsey helped me see that prioritizing myself and this dream was the most selfless thing I could do.
I joined ABA April of 2021. I launched my business in June of 2021 and by the end of June had signed 3 clients and tripled my investment in the program. By the end of September I had signed 2 more clients. I’ve made $9,800 and I am just getting started.
Joining ABA to become a coach is the gift that keeps on giving. It's for every human who wants to show up fully to this one life we get to live, to show up confidently, and continue to evolve and help their clients do the same.”

Leilani Terry
"Before ABA I tried a whole bunch of programs and different coaches but never felt like they provided a successful outline of what to do to start my coaching business. It felt like I had a lot of information but didn’t know how to put it together and actually turn it into a coaching business. When I joined ABA I thought, “Finally the program I have been looking for.” I learned how to connect all this information and actually start my coaching business. The weekly calls are GOLD and worth the investment alone. Since enrolling, I have launched my business, signed paying clients, and have more and more people reaching out to work with me. 6 months ago this would have been unimaginable but it’s happening!! I can’t believe this is REAL life!”

Lexi Adam
"When I joined Anything but Average it felt different. I didn’t even know I wanted to be a coach until the moment I joined Lindsey's program.
When I think about the program itself, the word that comes to mind is RESPONSIBILITY.
Through the program I realized the only reason I wasn’t starting was because of my own fear. ABA taught me how to get past my fear and since going all in and officially launching my business in June 2021 I have signed 4 clients and made over $8,000.
To think that I almost didn’t follow through, makes me sad. The women I have served, and changed have also changed me. I cannot imagine where I would be without this program. I can guarantee I wouldn’t be here, wanting to dedicate my life to serving others, in the most healthy relationship I have ever experienced, and taking responsibility for every area of my life."

Vanja Taha
"The biggest obstacle in starting my coaching business was thinking I didn't know enough to be a coach. Originally when I joined I thought this was going to be one of MANY programs I had to take before I would be able to call myself a coach.
Two weeks after joining and going through the process I felt prepared to start coaching.
I have officially started my coaching business and am so grateful I found this program to stop waiting on my dream and finally get started.”

Chelsea Wright
"When I joined ABA I already had a styling business. I decided I wanted to add life coaching to it because personal growth made such an impact on my life. I launched it within 3 weeks, but felt confused on how to make my offers and niche seamless.
It felt like I had two niches and I didn’t know how to make them work together.
After joining ABA and working with Lindsey she helped me get clear on how to bridge the two together. I feel so clear on my niche and powerful bringing both my passion for style and life coaching to my clients. I know exactly who I serve and how I serve them. Since joining I had my biggest month in business at $7,000 in one month."

Casey Sementilli
"My biggest struggle before ABA was doubting that I could actually help people. This kept me from making offers and signing clients. Nothing worked before this program because I didn’t have the self coaching tools that ABA offers. I didn’t know how to bridge the gap between where I was and feeling confident in what I had to offer people. Since joining I have signed 3 clients and have made $6,000. Now I make offers confidently, I know how to coach myself through anything holding me back, and the community that comes with the program is one of my favorite parts."

Ashley Molitor
"I was curious about ABA when I started following Lindsey but I wasn’t sure it was for me since I wouldn’t finish my certification for 2 more months.
I didn’t think I could start my business until I had my certification. (which now I know you don't need one to start) The truth was, I was waiting for permission to get started AND had drama about who I was going to help, what my offer would be, my niche. I realized waiting for my certification wasn’t going to get rid of this drama. Lindsey showed me I could start NOW.
Within one week of joining, following the process, and getting coaching from her, I launched my business and got my first two consults."

Whitney Uland
"I was originally hesitant that I wouldn’t get results without a one-on-one coach, but I was totally wrong! I joined ABA because I knew I wanted a much bigger life but I couldn’t quite figure out how to get there. I started the ABA work by focusing on my purpose - my acting career - but once I started creating results in my acting, I also started seeing results in my health goals (finally hitting my goal weight!!) and my life coaching business (I hit 2x my biggest month last month!) I love being able to do the modules at my own place, but also coming for Lindsey’s live coaching support and community that comes with ABA. It’s worth WAY more than the investment I made - and I feel like this is just the beginning in the results I can create in my life!!"

Jillie Johnston
"After 3 years of trying to get my business off the ground, within 6 months of joining Anything but Average I replaced my corporate income, left my job and started traveling around the country, and now I create 10-12k months. It took me three years to say YES to myself and my results waited too. The minute I invested was the minute my life changed."
Pay In Full: One-time $2,000 Payment
LIFETIME Access to:
✓ The Online Portal
✓ Weekly Live Coaching
✓ Anything but Average Community
✓ 24-7 Coaching Support
Payment Plan: 3 Monthly Payments of $700
LIFETIME Access to:
✓ The Online Portal
✓ Weekly Live Coaching
✓ Anything but Average Community
✓ 24-7 Coaching Support